Last night, I went to a screening of Ghostbusters at one of my local movie theaters. Just the fact that they were showing it in theaters to celebrate Halloween is awesome, but when I saw it, there was a pretty sizable audience and there was a group of people in Ghostbusters T-shirt. Upon seeing this, I thought to myself, "This is as it should be."
This was probably the first time in YEARS since I saw this movie, we have Ghostbusters 2 on VHS but sometime ago we lost the first movie, so it was fun to finally watch this.
What I really like about this movie is that, even though I've seen clips being used as references in Nostalgia Critic and SpoonyOne reviews, the lines are even funnier in context.
This is the second time I went to a movie where the audience applauded at the end. I had a good time.
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