Monday, September 23, 2013

Just throwing ideas out there...

Okay, so I've been doing a lot more work on prose writing, mostly fanfics and maybe a little original stuff. And I realized that I haven't worked on any of the scripts I have in-the-works in a few days. Really, I'm stuck with somehow summarizing the climax of the everyone's least favorite Rugrats film and also describing the plot to a My Little Pony film that should've been considered mostly harmless but instead came at the wrong place at the wrong time, making me associate it with times of uncertainty and loneliness.

I've also started classes at my community college.

So basically, production has slowed down in favor of other endeavors, and I realized that I haven't uploaded a video on Youtube in quite a while. So I thought, "what if I started doing other kinds of videos, like quick edit vloggy videos where I talk and rant about random junk". I'm well aware that this isn't a new idea. Half of the more well known Youtubers basically do just this. But hey, it might be something fun that would get me back into the swing of things in regards to editing and videos in general. That is, of course, I actually decide to do such a video. Just spitballing.

If you want, you can read my prose writing either here or here.

Hopefully, I shall get back to my various video projects, even with college on my plate.

Goodnight, friends.

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