Sunday, February 14, 2010

Stephen King's The Shining (1997)

A week ago, I drove to my local humble used music store and found the DVD set to something called Stephen King's The Shining. I bought it out of sheer curiosity because this wasn't the Stanley Kubrick classic. After doing some research, it turns out THIS was a 3-part TV miniseries that was written and executive produced by Stephen King himself because he didn't like how Kubrick took his book and turned it into a movie that had fuck all to do with the book save for the basic gist of the story. By the way, I've never read the book but I probably should.

No use explaining the story because, most likely, you already know it.

Steven Weber blew my mind as Jack Torrance. Now I'm not saying Jack Nicholson was bad, he was awesome, but the thing of it is, when one looks at Nicholson, one can tell that he's gonna go batshit by before the movie ends. Pretty much every one of his films has him as a some sort of psycho (except Bucket List, I think). Steven Weber, on the other hand, looks like a normal human being with emotional demons. He is probably the most realistic version of Jack Torrance, he's more believable in the role.

Courtland Read is really good as Danny. I also like that fact that Tony is an actual imaginary friend, rather than Danny's finger in the Kubrick movie.

There's really no use for comparing this to the Kubrick film. Both are completely different from each other. Comparing the movie to a TV miniseries is like comparing the movie to the book.

I fucking love this so much, I'm just going to call it a film. It's definitely up there with Pleasantville in my opinion. Check it out.

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