Sunday, February 24, 2013

Oscars 2013

I haven't watch most of the films that were nominated this year, mostly because I was in Germany when November and December (Oscar Bait Season) rolled around.

What can I say about the show?

Seth MacFarlane was fantastic. Especially that bit with the Sound of Music gag. That had my dad in hysterics.

Anne Hathaway won. I know everyone predicted that, but it's really nice to see the Queen of Genovia/the English voice of the girl from The Cat Returns winning an Oscar. Goddamn, she's gorgeous.

Paperman got Best Animated Short. Spectacular. I really wish I knew where to actually watch some of these shorts.

Brave. Honestly, I wasn't that crazy about Brave. I'm not sure if Wreck-It Ralph would've been more deserving, but I still haven't seen Frankenweenie and ParaNorman. Pirates: Band of Misfits was clever and well done, but I'm sure about Oscar-worthy. Wow, this was a great year for stop-motion animation, eh?

Great performances from Shirley Fassey and Adele. I should probably watch more Bond movies. I've only seen Goldfinger (about a few years ago) and You Only Live Twice (when I was pretty little).

All in all, a pretty good. show.

Here's hoping that they use this in future Oscar shows.

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